
Clinton Administration Officials Assail ABC's 'The Path to 9/11'

An ABC docudrama promises to hold the Clinton administration accountable for its pre-9-11 failings, and Bubba doesn't like it.

(Sandy "Burglar") Berger said in an interview that ABC is "certainly trying to create the impression that this is realistic, but it's a fabrication."

Maybe 'ol Sandy feels confident making this statement because he made off with the damning evidence by stuffing it in his pants and socks. Can someone please explain to me again how it is that this fat slob isn't behind bars?

So much for your "legacy", Bubba.


Paul Hue said...

Six: I'm afraid it looks like our guys are wrong on this on. Last night lefties and righties on the talk shows debated this. The lefties made several specific factual points about the movie being wrong, and all the righties did was respond pathetically:

- The film represents "the larger / general truth".
- Clinton lied under oath about sex / labled oral sex as non-sex (yes, one or two used this as a response to a lefty assering factual errors in the film).

These righties disgraced themselves! The two I remember are Newt Grinwitch and J Gordon Liddy. I was very embarrassed. If the lefties are corrrect about inaccuracies, just admit it! One lefty was especially reasonable, some former Clintonisto. Like all the lefties, he very logically pointed out how the righties screamed bloody murder about an unfavorable Reagan biopic, which forced the network to shunt over to Cinimax. Then he proposed an unassailable solution: reshoot the inaccurate scenes to make them accurate!

Unless a righty can state that the film as shot is accurate, there's just no response other than: I agree!

Paul Hue said...

On the drive in to work this AM, one more righty addressing these charges of blatant inaccuracies, and once again, he shamefully brushes aside the charge, arguing for "the larger truth", and espousing "free speech." Surely these are the same guys who pressured whatever network about the Reagan biopic, which they successfully had shunted over to Cinimax, double-featuring with one of Nadir's mom's "films".

What a disappointment. Here's the proper view for the righties:
You are correct, it contains blatant inaccuracies. The network should yank it, reshoot it, and present it once it corresponds to what's documented in the official 911 report. If that report contains discrepancies, have the event occur "off camera", and have charactors debate over what happened.