
911 Questions For You Smart Guys to Answer

This is a test.

Since you guys know all the facts about 911, see how many of these questions you can answer. Feel free to use the Internet, books, make phone calls to public officials or use whatever method you wish to come up with the answers.

I know it is beyond the ability of sheep to question the leader of the herd, but I believe you guys are remotely intelligent. You have no problem questioning the reasoning of Muslims or liberals. Why are you afraid to question your own ilk?

I also know that you will laugh at me for even posing the questions. You would rather accept the word of your fearmongering leaders than to use your own brains and ask obvious questions when things just don't add up.

Yes, at least a third of Americans want these questions answered. If 911 is such an important event in American history, then for the sake of history, you should want the truth to be told as well.

So go ahead, smart guys. How many of these 500 questions can you answer? And this is an old list of questions (2002), so surely you can get some of them...


Paul Hue said...

I think that a serious investigation should take place, and that people asking these questions should not get dismissed summarily. I assume that the US fedl govt lacks many essential resources to pull off a staged 911 attack, including competence and efficiency; this is one reason that I assume that federal agents did not commit this act.

I don't understand how Nadir can regard me as "sheep" where Bush is concerned, since I disagree with Bush on so many things.

Nadir said...

"I don't understand how Nadir can regard me as "sheep" where Bush is concerned, since I disagree with Bush on so many things."

Yet you still support his presidency.

A serious investigation should have taken place, but your president blocked the investigation.

Whether the government was responsible for 911 isn't the point. The point is, they refuse to answer these questions, and they refuse to have an investigation that will answer them. The 911 commission only answered some of these, and most were answered insufficiently.

Paul Hue said...

Supporting a president critically does not qualify a person as a sheep, unless you've once again invented another definition.

I fully support the sort of investigation that you advocate here. But I assume that the population of people who blunder and leak everything else could not so perfectly and secretly pull off what is alleged here. As we see from the Plame-Wilson-Watergate-etc examples, the US govt comprises competing factions who operate against each other other, revealing information to hurt the other guy. Do you believe that the Bushies could pull off 911 as well as they did, but yet couldn't manufacture perfect evidence linking Hussein to nuclear and other banned weapons?

Now, does this logic of mine neccessarily mean that the Pensilvania plane didn't get shot down, with the various govt people who would know perfectly covering it up to protect the public? Or that the Pentigon explosion was a wayward sidewinder missile used to attack that plane? No. but now we have to add up all the other nearly perfect scenarios that have been nearly perfectly covered up... by people who can't even prevent all earthlings from knowing that at Abu Graib GIs stripped prisoners naked and piled them together.

Meanwhile it seems to me geniously plausable for 19 guys to hijack four passenger airplanes and fly them into buildings without the bumbling US Air Force intercepting them.