
Muslim Critics Love USA

This NYT article about muslim immigrants in the US includes the usual vague claims of discrimination. In one example, a woman says that she gets "stares" when she wears her funny costume. I wonder how many "stares" a Scottsman would get wearing a skirt, or a German would get wearing one of those smart short-pants overalls and that feather cap. Imagine the stares they would get in Moroco or Saudi Arabia!

The article mostly has the muslim immigrants opposing US foriegn policy, but praising the US. The writer doesn't challange the claims of "discrimination", even as she notes that muslim immigrants enjoy an "average salary" greater than 20% above the US average and that last year 9.5 million applicants vied for US citizenship.


Nadir said...

"This NYT article about muslim immigrants in the US includes the usual vague claims of discrimination. In one example, a woman says that she gets "stares" when she wears her funny costume."

You're discrimnating against Muslims by calling traditional Islamic dress a "funny costume". Any traditional ethnic dress may appear to be out of place in America among Westerners wearing the traditional preppie uniform of a polo and khakis.

You denegrate these other cultures by ridiculing their dress. You spread hate and fear by treating them like terrorists.

Paul Hue said...

Nadir: Do you think that the honkey Amish wear funny costumes? How about those honkey Hassidic jews? Or catholic nuns and priests? Or the cracker in my office who wears a scottish kilt and bring his bagpipes to our xmas party? I think that all of these outfits are "funny", and I do stare at them and consider them rediculous. Lots of people in contemporary society stare at the occassional "Flying Nun" walking by. What do you think would happen if I started dressing like a 17th century French fop, complete with powdered face and wig, and skin-tight pantaloons? Or a pilgrim costume?

Would you consider the stares that I get derisive descrimination, spreading hate and fear? What kinds of looks would I recieve in this woman's home town?