
Rethinking Birthright Citizenship

The USA's "birthright citizenship" manifests from the 14th Ammendment, added to the US Constitution to ensure that freed black slaves and their children would obtain full US citizenship. Today it gets used never for that, and usually for a purpose never envisioned by its authors: citizenship for illegal immigrants. Does this law still make sense? Does it make sense to confer US Citizenship to anybody born in the US automatically, even to a mother in the US illegally?

Other countries have adopted Birthright Citizenship... countries that seek to increase immigration. Do American citizens collectively seek to increase immigration?

I fully support immigration by Latin Americans, Africans, and Asians. I believe that those populations represent the future of America... a bright future for America. But I also believe in orderly and sensible processes. I believe that not enough native born Americans are working hard enough and making smart enough choices to best ensure our future, and that these immigrants are overall doing a better job than native Americans. But immigration flow should certainly procede according to the consent of voting American citizens, and observances of laws approved by those citizen voters and their elected representatives.

Since I believe that we should have lots of Mexican immigrants, I should advocate increasing the immigration ceiling, not laws that will make it easier for immigrants to sneak around border checks and enter illegally. Let's do this the right way. The current -- wrong -- way is dangerous and harrowing for the immigrants, and lets in too many criminals. Isn't there a way to permit and welcome lots of immigrants in an orderly and safe manner?

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