
European Press Escalates Provocation of Muslims

Freedom of the press or not, this is really a bad idea. If you understand that someone is fanatical, it is foolish to go out of your way to offend them. No matter who has right on their side, the European press is asking for trouble.


Paul Hue said...

Nadir: I cannot believe that you would take this position, appeasing hysterical, violent tyrants who demand that you not express yourself in certain ways. That's what the old Conederates and Segregationists used to do. Prior to the civil war, state governments made it a capital offense even for white people to advocate abolition.

Would you take the same view of white christians who decided to take violent offense to anybody claiming that "Mohammad is God's messenger", that he is the "final prophet", and that it was Ishmeal, not Isaac, who God told whomever to sacrifice on the rock?

What about KKKers who take violent offense at advocating full legal equality for non-whites? Would you appease them, too?

Tommy, at least you: Please say that you support freedom of speach even for people who displease violent islamic fanatics.

Paul Hue said...

Nadir: I cannot believe the headline that you wrote for this. I am very disappointed in you. European free journalists daring to defy muslim anti-free speachers, you call this "escalation of provokation"? I am extremely disappointed in you.

Surely there remain a few crackers in the US who were offended by the coverage of Rosa Parks' funeral. Do you consider the press coverage to represent "provokation" of them? Is it "foolish" for journalists to portray Parks as a hero, knowing full well that such tyrants will be "offended"?

What about those weekly hate crimes you are posting? Do you feel that blacks moving into white nieghborhoods are "provoking" those tyrants, who are "offended" by having blacks in their neighborhoods? What about white neighbors who express support for the black new-comers? Are they "provoking" the racists? Is this "foolish" of them?

Paul Hue said...

Nadir: You have just reproduced the "provokation" by diseminating the "offensive" images. Thus you are "provoking" and "offending" the retards.

Paul Hue said...

And Nadir: The journalists weren't even "going out of their way" (if that even mattered). They would have had to "gone out of their way" to have *not* made those cartoons. They are cartoonists, and they draw cartoons that illistrate socio-political commentaries on popular socio-political topics. One of the most popular such topics involves people who execute civilians in the name of allah, the kooky-ran, and moo-ham-ad. How could a political cartoonist in this age not get around to commenting on mofuckad? Do you really think that these guys never made cartoons of jeez-us and mo-hose-is?

Nadir said...

I didn't say the cartoonists did anything wrong. I just said it will come back to haunt them. It's unfortunate, but they shouldn't be surprised if someone blows up one of the newspaper buildings or kidnaps some European who is visiting the Middle East.

I don't condone that, but if it happens, no one should be surprised.

Paul Hue said...

Then, Nadir, you are saying absolutely nothing.

However, you are saying more than that. You are calling the journalists provokers, and you have expressed no derision for the people who are demanding adherence to an ancient spreach stricture.

Do you think that the press should appease these people? What is your opinion of these people?

Why do you not answer my many other questions, such as racists who are "offended" by your expressed ideas and behaviors?

Paul Hue said...

Nadir: I just started a religion. According to my religion, all adherents must kill anybody who sings and plays instruments. I am a fanatic about this. Therefore, I demand an apology for your singing and instrument playing. Plus, if you do it again, I will kill you.

Nadir said...

Are you going to kill your daughter when she starts practicing her piano or trumpet too? Don't be a hypocrite...

You must smite her immediately.

Paul Hue said...

Yes, I will kill her also!