Iranians Plea for Civilization
Hate Beating on NYC Subway
The Jew and the Muslim have becom friends, and the Muslim subsequently attended a Hanuka party at the Jew's house. Thank god that's a much more normal state of affairs for humans residing in contemporary US. I'm also happy to report from many late-night NYC subway rides and sidewalk strolls that NYC is amazingly safe, including for honkeys walking solo in black neighborhoods.
Article, article, More video
Another Case of AIDS Caused by "Anti-HIV" Drugs
So if these "anti-HIV" drugs caused this case of "AIDS" in an "HIV-neg" woman, can't those same drugs cause "AIDS" even in the "HIV-positive" patients?
Noose Fraud
Let's Shutter the CIA...
Detroit's Grocery Vacuum
Medicaid Fraud Bodes Poorly for Natl Health Care
Courage to Ignore Global Warming Hysteria
BALI, Indonesia - An international team of scientists skeptical of man-made climate fears promoted by the UN and former Vice President Al Gore, descended on Bali this week to urge the world to "have the courage to do nothing" in response to UN demands.
Lord Christopher Monckton, a UK climate researcher, had a blunt message for UN climate conference participants on Monday. "Climate change is a non-problem. The right answer to a non problem is to have the courage to do nothing," Monckton told participants. "The UN conference is a complete waste of our time and your money and we should no longer pay the slightest attention to the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,)" Monckton added. (LINK)
Monckton also noted that the UN has not been overly welcoming to the group of skeptical scientists. "UN organizers refused my credentials and appeared desperate that I should not come to this conference. They have also made several attempts to interfere with our public meetings," Monckton explained.
"It is a circus here," agreed Australian scientist Dr. David Evans. Evans is making scientific presentations to delegates and journalists at the conference revealing the latest peer-reviewed studies that refute the UN's climate claims. "This is the most lavish conference I have ever been to, but I am only a scientist and I actually only go to the science conferences," Evans said, noting the luxury of the tropical resort. (Note: An analysis by Bloomberg News on December 6 found: "Government officials and activists flying to Bali, Indonesia, for the United Nations meeting on climate change will cause as much pollution as 20,000 cars in a year." - LINK)
Evans, a mathematician who did carbon accounting for the Australian government, recently converted to a skeptical scientist about man-made global warming after reviewing the new scientific studies. (LINK) "We now have quite a lot of evidence that carbon emissions definitely don't cause global warming. We have the missing [human] signature [in the atmosphere], we have the IPCC models being wrong and we have the lack of a temperature going up the last 5 years," Evans said in an interview with the Inhofe EPW Press Blog. Evans authored a November 28 2007 paper "Carbon Emissions Don't Cause Global Warming." (LINK)
Evans touted a new peer-reviewed study by a team of scientists appearing in the December 2007 issue of the International Journal of Climatology of the Royal Meteorological Society which found "Warming is naturally caused and shows no human influence." (LINK) "Most of the people here have jobs that are very well paid and they depend on the idea that carbon emissions cause global warming. They are not going to be very receptive to the idea that well actually the science has gone off in a different direction," Evans explained.
[Inhofe EPW Press Blog Note: Several other recent peer-reviewed studies have cast considerable doubt about man-made global warming fears. For most recent sampling see: New Peer-Reviewed Study finds 'Solar changes significantly alter climate' (11-3-07) (LINK) & "New Peer-Reviewed Study Halves the Global Average Surface Temperature Trend 1980 - 2002" (LINK) & New Study finds Medieval Warm Period '0.3C Warmer than 20th Century' (LINK) For a more comprehensive sampling of peer-reviewed studies earlier in 2007 see "New Peer-Reviewed Scientific Studies Chill Global Warming Fears" LINK ]Con'd...
Plame - Wilson Sham Continues
Denmark's High Tax Rates Scare Away Tax Rev
Another Black-on-White "Hate Crime"
Of course, when white retards beat a black victim, the media sets up shop, headlines announce the racial assignments of the players, and massive angry protests erupt, proclaiming this to be a racist nation. In reality, few people f any "race" ever experience this today in the US, though when it does happen, it's usually some black idiots attacking a white person.
And now yet a second case of retarded black teens attacking white folks on Baltimore's bus. Notice the tiny size of this local report, and the absence of any consideration from the national press, or those who earn their livings crying racism. Imagine the press attention if white retards were attacking black folks on the bus.
Here's an update on the second attack. We learn now that the driver refused to help at all, not even calling police, telling the pleading victims that he couldn't because it would result in him "getting in trouble."
College Sports a Sham
Paul v. Mike: Vouchers, Socialism, Capitalism,
I argued that: the biggest problem that poor people have today in the US is themselves: they fail to make the best choices, and to seize the best opportunities, available to them. The best role for govt, I said, was to get out of the way, and to permit these people to benefit from such choices as:
- Living a crime-free life, in which they refrain from: assaulting, burgling, raping, shop-lifting, and vandalizing.
- Respecting the homes and neighborhoods that they have, no matter how modest, keeping them as clean and as well-maintained as they can, throwing their trash in designated garbage cans, and even dispatching the litter of others.
- Finding spouses and refraining from pregnancy until they have done so.
- Dressing and conducting themselves in accordance with the standards of self-sufficient, productive people. This means pleasant dispositions and polite behavior in public.
- Reading books, obeying teachers, completing school assignments, graduating from high school.
- Seeking, accepting, and holding the best job that they can find, with no "standards" against any type of work, such as "being too good" to work at McDonalds.
I further argued that as long as the productive, self-sufficient portion of society is going to fund some resources for "poor" people, the best sources for taking those dollars and providing resources to these "poor" people are private enterprises making a profit. I pointed out that where this happens -- such as in the case of the food and housing paid for by taxes -- these "poor" beneficiaries get much higher quality goods and services than where tax spending is restricted to government sources, such as for schooling. Thus I claim that govt education dollars should take the form of free-market vouchers, just as govt dollars do for other programs, such as food stamps, WIC cards, and Section 8 vouchers.
Here are some articles that I want Mike to read, in addition to my comments:
Poor getting richer, rich getting less rich (Tom Sowell)
Old Americans are rich, not poor (Tom Sowell)
Stop Making a Difference (Tom Sowell)
Health care: Govt vs Private (Walter Williams)
Economics & Property Rights (Walter Williams)
Creating Effective Incentives (Walter Williams)
Also, the link embedded in the title of this post, shows that from 1996 through 2005, that "the poor" are "getting less poor" and "the rich" are getting "less rich", exploding the claims that "the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. To the contrary, the poorest people in 1996 had their income increase nearly 100% by 2005; the richest people in 1996 were the only income strata of Americans to have their income dip during this time. Claims to the contrary involve comparing poor people today with poor people of ten years back, without accounting for people moving from one group to the other during this time.
And this:
Walter Williams has another reason to embrace vouchers: they will enable the individuals who compose the market to decide such controversial topics as school prayer and sex ed. For people bound by finances to the govt education option K-12, they must all get the same decision in these matters. With vouchers, po' black parents can send their kids to whatever school has the policies that they like, such as prayer with sex ed.
Democrats: Party of the Rich
NYC Murder: Low Numbers, Mostly Black
Naturally the race stats fall at the end of the article, because they contradict claims of a racist USA where black folks face a dastardly white enemy. Only about 7% of the killers (and murder victims) in NYC come from the horribly racist and vile honkey population, cops attribute only a tiny 35 murders to strangers, and blacks compose 66% of the murder victims.
These stats prove that:
- NYC is a very, very safe city for everyone;
- In NYC, you have nearly no murder risk from strangers;
- Black men are about 5 times more likely to commit murder than white folks
- Black men are committing very, very few murders. NYC contains about 2 million black folks, and these people committed only about 300 murders. Compare that to Detroit, with about 750,000 black folks committing about 1,000 annual murders.
All We Are Saying, is Give Guns a Chance
Debunking "Soul Food"
From today's NYT:
The black liberation movement of the 1960’s had celebrated “soul food”: dishes with a debt to Africa, like black-eyed peas, greens, gumbo and fried chicken. Neither the activists nor the scholars who later devoted themselves to black studies intended those dishes to be seen as the food on the stove of every black cook in America. But that is exactly what happened, historians say.
Who's Fighting Today's KKK?
McCarthy Vindicated?
Global Warming A Scam: Weather Chanel Founder
Driving While Black, A Critical Look
Detroit Voters Angry About Photo ID Requirement?
Racism In Mortgage Rates? Hardly
1. Crime rates, which drive up monthly expenses for home and auto insurance. Plymouth is approximately crime-free, and Detroit is the opposite.
2. Property taxes, which also drive up monthly expenses. Detroit has double the metro average.
3. Consumer credit scores.
4. Resale expectations. If the writer of this article were loaning money for mortgages, where would he rather have to deal with resale? The answer is not even close.
One does not have to look for racism to explain the differences in mortgage rates here.
Michael Medved's Open Letter to Rep. Ron Paul
Dear Congressman Paul:
Your Presidential campaign has drawn the enthusiastic support of an imposing collection of Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, Holocaust Deniers, 9/11 “Truthers” and other paranoid and discredited conspiracists.
Do you welcome- or repudiate – the support of such factions?
More specifically, your columns have been featured for several years in the American Free Press –a publication of the nation’s leading Holocaust Denier and anti-Semitic agitator, Willis Carto. His book club even recommends works that glorify the Nazi SS, and glowingly describe the “comforts and amenities” provided for inmates of Auschwitz.
Have your columns appeared in the American Free Press with your knowledge and approval? As a Presidential candidate, will you now disassociate yourself, clearly and publicly, from the poisonous propaganda promoted in such publications?
As a guest on my syndicated radio show, you answered my questions directly and fearlessly. Will you now answer these pressing questions, and eliminate all associations between your campaign and some of the most loathsome fringe groups in American society?
Along with my listeners (and many of your own supporters), I eagerly await your response.
Respectfully, Michael Medved
If all of these assertions Medved makes here are true, which as far as I've been able to discern they are, it's beyond me how anyone could support this loon as a legitimate presidential candidate. But hey, that's just me.
US Poor Gain Wealth... If They Behave
From the essay:
For the most part, long-term poverty today is self-inflicted. To see this, let's examine some numbers from the Census Bureau's 2004 Current Population Survey. There's one segment of the black population that suffers only a 9.9 percent poverty rate, and only 13.7 percent of their under-5-year-olds are poor. There's another segment of the black population that suffers a 39.5 percent poverty rate, and 58.1 percent of its under-5-year-olds are poor.
Among whites, one population segment suffers a 6 percent poverty rate, and only 9.9 percent of its under-5-year-olds are poor. Another segment of the white population suffers a 26.4 percent poverty rate, and 52 percent of its under-5-year-olds are poor.
What do you think distinguishes the high and low poverty populations? The only statistical distinction between both the black and white populations is marriage.
Halloween Candy Ban Wrongheaded
Unrefined sugar substances (evaporated cane juice, grade B maple syrup, agave syrup).
Unhydrogenated oils
Organic butter
Whole grain flours
Organic brown eggs
And ban the following:
Refined white sugar
Margarine and other hydrogenated oils
White flour
Three Years Prison for Dog Toss
CA Wildfires v. Katrina: Aircraft Boondogle
Protesting Nooses, Ignoring Murders
Here he revisits the theme, comparing the rage by blacks at Columbia over a noose hung at a black prof's door, to the silence resulting from black thugs executing three black teens a few days later in nearby Newark.
In this column, Crouch reveals how Phily's Nation of Islam chapter fronted for a hard core black mafia family of cold-blooded killers, and how Heuy Newton -- so proudly cheered on the t-shirts of rigteous "community activists" -- took transformed Black Panthers into a street gang.
Bravo for Crouch's campaign to get people interested in addressing the "national issue of excessive urban murder."
Top Climate Scientst Boos Gore's Nobel
We'll see.
Nat'l Healthcare in UK: Pull Your Own Teeth!
Racism in Fashion Industry
Racist Insurance Companies?
The Real Clarence Thomas
Gore Nobel Perplexes Czech Prez
I agree with this guy:=========================
"The relationship between his activities and world peace is unclear and indistinct," the statement said. "It rather seems that Gore's doubting of basic cornerstones of the current civilization does not contribute to peace."
Klaus said in a recent speech that environmentalists' efforts to halt global warming "fatally endanger our freedom and prosperity." The Czech president publicly expresses doubt on what scientists, including those participating in the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, also this year's Nobel Peace Prize laureate, deem very likely - that global warming is caused by humans.
He also said that rising temperatures may not matter enough for governments to throw funds at halting the process. In a newspaper interview earlier this year, Klaus said that only Al Gore, and not a sane person, would say that mankind is ruining the planet.
High Schools w/ 1,000 Students... Eating on Floor
Only two reasons justify having high schools larger than elementary schools:
1. After learning basic reading, writing, and math in elementary school, now what to do with teenagers? Teaching them advanced writing, reading, and math would require educated and hard-working teachers. Lazy and uneducated teachers prefer teaching easy elective classes, like business and career awareness. You need lots of students to fill lots of stupid classes.
2. The more students, the better the sports teams! And the better you want those students to perform, the less time you need them working on advanced intellectual courses. Instead, fill their schedules with "electives".
Peace, US Support in Iraq's Sunni Anbar Province
From the London Telegraph article: =================
Mr Kareem and other Husaybah residents claim that the peace that followed the expulsion of al-Qa'eda has triggered an economic revival and restoration of favourite pastimes. Ghanim Mirdie Waleed, coach of the local football team, who celebrated a recent victory with cigarettes, paid tribute to the American role in Husaybah.
"The conflict here was all caused by al-Qa'eda," he said. "We work and play as we like under the coalition security. There are jobs for people, shops are opened and we are very happy."
With al-Qa'eda pushed out, Anbaris are even rallying to a new shared cause with America - a fight to secure the country against Iranian infiltration.
Why Not Move Isreal to Alaska?
Lotteries Fund Themselves, Not Schools
Bush Screws Soldiers Again
More Plame / Wilson Phoniness
Low Taxes, Malpractice Caps, Free Markets Solve MD Shortage in Texas
The NYT reports: "Four years after Texas voters approved a constitutional amendment limiting awards in medical malpractice lawsuits, doctors are responding as supporters predicted, arriving from all parts of the country to swell the ranks of specialists at Texas hospitals and bring professional health care to some long-underserved rural areas. The influx, raising the state’s abysmally low ranking in physicians per capita, has flooded the medical board’s offices in Austin with applications for licenses, close to 2,500 at last count."
The article also cites lack of a Texas income tax as contributing, but of course that was true as well before malpractice caps. I wonder why physicians don't flock to Cuba or Canada?
Chris Mathews vs. Jon Stewart
Black Kids Can't Make it Without Affirmative Action?
But is it fair or helpful that if Frances was Asian she would have had no chance 20 years ago, much less today? The article describes all sorts of problems that Frances has dealt with in amassing her "A-" GPA from a school that's not very good. But what about Asians in the same boat? Sounds like her academic background has prepared her not for an elite university, but rather a non-elite one, where she can continue her hard work and smart choice, and still build for herself a very successful life.
The do-gooders in this article want to do every thing in the world to boost the numbers of black kids in elite schools except what matters most: convincing more black people to make smart choices, including parents providing a stable household for their kids, and kids not going to school and ruining the environment for themselves and others. And of course the do-gooders here have nothing to say about black kids getting to college and selecting worthwhile majors. Surely if these factors turned around, people would stop taking a negative view of "black-sounding names", a factor presented here as a reason to lower the academic standard for applicants who "check the black box."
Handgun Rescues Carjack Victim in Detroit
Update: An off-duty Detroit cop gets car-jacked at his own house, upon parking on his way home, in his driveway. He responded by shooting the bastard. Don't know if these summary killings will deter others suffering from similar retardation, but at least these dead guys won't do this again.
Hillary: Govt Give Each Baby $5k?
So, why not make Social Security work the same way? Oh, wait, that would be evil and irresponsible. Remember how Hillary and the lefties reacted to Bush's proposal for just that.
"Clinton said such an account program would help people get back to the tradition of savings that she remembers as a child." How does giving a person money encourage saving?
Dan Rather Stands By His Story
I also believe that John Kerry behaved dishonorably while serving in Vietnam, which while there he attempted to save his skin and feather his resume... sort of like how JFK did.
More Jena Six info
1. The disputed high school shade tree was always used by both blacks and whites, according to a the two black teachers at the school. But if this is true, why did the black kid ask at an assembly if he could sit there? And why did the nooses get hung?
2. About the nooses: there were only two, not three. And both black and white kids were playing with them.
3. The noose-hangers got expelled for an entire month, confined to an off-campus facility.
4. The Jena Six guy in prison got reported to police by a black neighbor for scratching cars, breaking car windows, and graffiti. The neighbor complains now that police did not respond adequatly to this report (or was it reports?), "but as soon as he had a run-in with a white boy, they came down on him like a hammer."
5. The knocked-out white boy had a concussion.
Omissions in this article:
1. The two incidents wherein white segregationists jump on one of the Jena Sixers prior to the white boy knockout. These two incidents get alluded to, without any details.
2. The knocked-out white boy's relationship to the noose-hangers, and charges that prior to getting attacked he harassed the Jena Sixer who got jumped twice.
Racist Site: Lynch Jena Six
Dress Codes Help Students, Rile Parents
But some parents can't see the connection between dress and academic performance, and are taking time to fight the new codes. One father laments: "How can teachers be teaching her anything if they're sitting and watching what she has on? As long as she's decent, that's all I ask."
Hey, dad, your schools are failing. Support this new idea; give it a chance to work. The parents paying several thousands of dollars per year for private schools mostly face this same dress code, which seems to work. I would turn your question on you: "How can your student learn when you are assisting her resistance to a new rule that works so well in more successful schools?"
Dumber Than Bush: His Student Critics
And apparently the Editorial Board's intellectual capability. The paper's editors told a local newscast reporter, "I think we could write 250words and ramble on and I don't think anyone would pay attention." That's quite an admission: He and his fellow editors lack the intellectual capacity to articulate and defend an anti-Bush position that rises above "rambling", and the paper lacks an audience interested in reading an editorial comprising a thesis, facts, and logic.
"We felt it illustrated our point about freedom of speech," he said. Well, it certainly did that.
No Relation Between Nooses & White Boy Beat Down?
1. Black kids at Jena's only high school ask for, and receive, permission to sit under the whites-only tree.
2. Three do.
3. The next day: three nooses hang from the tree.
4. The white principal identifies three white boys, gets them to confess, and expels them.
5. The school board the same day overturns his decision and assign a three-day in-school suspension.
6. Black kids make a point of sitting under the whites-only tree every day.
7. White boys attack one of the black protesters as he attempts to attend a whites-only party, beating him with beer bottles. Police make no arrest, but eventually charge one of the attackers with simple battery (as a juvenile), and the guy gets probation.
8. The next day this beaten protester runs into one of his attackers, who now pulls a pistol on him. When he wrests-away the pistol, white cops arrive and arrest *HIM*... for stealing a gun.
9. This same beaten protester a few days later at school gets taunted by a proud friend of one of the noose-hangers. A few minutes later this white boy finds himself knocked out, the first white and only white person to pay any price in this Jena Six affair.
This article, of course, omits steps 6 & 7, and that the beaten white boy was a proud friend of the noose-hangers, but does address charges that he said something provocative just before getting decked, though without linking that alleged taunt to the black kid who had already been assaulted twice.
Somebody please explain to me how (9) above is "unrelated" to (1). As much as the Duke 3 case, this one cries out for national intervention; the local white folks have proven that they cannot and will not manage justice in Jena, LA. The cops, prosecutors, and judges here are even worse than those involved with the Duke affair, because here they are picking on people who lack the resources (at least until this point) to mount an effective defense. A teenager today is losing his youth to prison, a teen who at worst knocked out some dangerously racist cracker. And if you examine the conflicting facts attending to that seconds-long incident, you cannot even conclude he did that "beyond a reasonable doubt."
More Nooses in Jena
One of the boys has a "KKK" tattoo and proclaims that his entire family belongs to that outfit. Let's hope that the white folks of Alexandria show the world something good: try the younger boy as an adult, deny them both bail, and charge them with attempted murder. I can only imagine the restraint showed by the presumably hundreds of protesters -- who had just learned that the judge had denied bail -- in not dragging these dangerous trachledytes of their trucks and stomping them; they're restraint represents one of what must be many more victories. Imagine how this would have turned out had some provided the reaction sought by the white racists. We need to get that boy out of prison, and protect the other five at all costs, even the cost of letting some nose-breathers escape a much-deserved beatdown. Instead, they are arrested, and provide our side some new ammo.
Jena Six'er Denied Bail, Justice
I hope that the ACLU now finally steps in, after carefully (I assume) monitoring this atrocious matter for months. And I hope that the arrested kids get a Duke rape-like civil damages award in the end.
And what now of those who refused to speak out for the Duke 3? Who refused to form an opinion, who were content to "let the legal system" work its course? What now, Nadir? What moral authority may you now join me in calling for federal intervention to seize these proceedings from the clearly racist white judges and prosecutors handling this case? Well, the loud support for INjustice of Jesse and Al vis a vis the Duke 3, and then their eventual loud quite hasn't stopped them from piping up here. But imagine how effective they might be today for the Jena Six had they joined with, instead of against, the Duke Three.
Tyrant to Speak at Columbia
1. The people on campus who want him banned are the same people who had previously demanded "free speech" for the founder of the Minute Men, when student protests a while back killed that scheduled event.
2. The people on campus who demand "free speech" for Ahmadinejad are the same people who previously (and successfully) demanded a zipped lip for scheduled Minute Men founder.
Am I the USA's only advocate of free speech? Let both these guys speak. And don't interrupt them, even with long-winded diatribes during the Q and A. Just let 'em speak, ask some real questions, then decide for yourself. And remember: the guy speaking today that you detest makes it possible tomorrow for a speaker that others detest.

Jena Six Horrible Press Coverage
1. The noose hanging white boys got only suspended, rather than expelled. The white school principal expelled them, but the white (all-white?) school board overturned that.
2. White boys beat one of the future Jena Six guys simply for attempting to attend a white house party; they beat him with beer bottles. Only one of those white boys got charged, and only with simple assault, resulting in only probation.
3. That same future Jena Six guy got assaulted a second time by another white boy, one wielding a pistol. The Jena Six guy wrested away the gun. The police response? The Jena Six dude got arrested for stealing a gun.
4. Now comes the Jena Six incident. The press accounts constantly omit the two previous white-on-black assaults, and the fact that the white boy who got attacked here is (1) a self-described friend of the three noose-hangers, and (2) he (according to the black kids) had minutes before taunted the Jena Six dude who had already been assaulted twice.
This is some of the worst reporting I've ever seen, much worse even than the usual reporting. All sorts of obvious questions never addressed (what role had the attacked white boy previously play?), and preposterous claims made (black kids demanding arrest of white kids for hanging nooses).
Here the LA Times also screws it up. This article jumps from the three white boys hanging nooses to the six black guys beating the white boy without provokation. The article skips the two white-on-black assaults on the future Jena Six guy, and the white boy's affiliation with the three who hung the noose, and his taunting (allegedly) of the Jena Six guy who had been previously assaulted.
The reporting is a disgrace.
Jena Six Chronology of Events Proves Racism
1. At a back-to-school assembly in Sept 2006, a black junior, Kenneth Purvis, asks the white vice-principal on stage taking questions if he (Purvis) and other blacks can sit under the school shade tree during lunch, issuing an open challenge to the known unwritten rule that only white kids can do so. "Sit wherever you like", the white vice-principal answered.
2. A few days later this kid and some black friends sat there during lunch, commiserating with some of their white friends.
3. The next day three nooses appeared hanging from the tree.
4. The white principal responded diligently, got three white boys to confess, and he expelled them for the rest of the year.
5. Days later (still Sept 2006) the (all-white?) school board overturned the expulsion, and the three white boys returned to school, having served merely a suspension.
6. Black kids start making a point of hanging out under the forbidden tree. "We didn't call it a protest," says Robert Bailey Jr., a student who participated in this, and who would become one of the Jena Six.
7. Tensions mount at the school to the point where the principal in early Sept (only a few days have passed since the nooses) convenes an assembly of the entire school, and gets the local DA, a white man named Reed Walters -- flanked by cops (all white?) -- to address the students: "I can be your best friend or your worst enemy," he told students, warning them to settle down. "With a stroke of my pen, I can make your lives disappear." Does he mean this warning to all students, or just the black students? The answer will become clear.
8. Over Thanksgiving break 2006, arson erupts at the school, destroying an entire wing. No data so far indicates who did this or why.
9. The day after the Thanksgiving arson, Bailey (black guy who'll become a Jena 6 dude) arrives at a white high school house party (he apparently has some white friends). He was "punched and beaten with beer bottles when he tried to enter... The white kid who threw the first punch was later charged with simple battery and given probation." Lesson to the black kids: the DA Reed Walters considers it "simple assault" unworthy of jail time for assailants who use fists and beer bottles. So much for "making your life disappear with pen" if you behave violently in this matter, at least when it comes to white kids assaulting black kids.
10. The day after Baily got beaten by fists and beer bottles, he "ran into a young white man who was at the party. Bailey and parents of the Jena Six say that when the man pulled a gun on him, he tangled with him and stripped it away. He was later charged with theft of a firearm." Lesson to the black kids: even if the white segregationists attack you, if you defend yourself, DA Reed Walters and the police will charge you with a crime -- specifically, a preposterous crime (disarming a gunman about to shoot you = gun theft) -- just like back in the Jim Crow days. Again DA Walters fails to make good on his promise to "make your life disappear" for those who escalate this situations... at least white kids who do so.
11. Finally we get to the the white boy, Justin Barker, who got sucker-punched in the Jena Six incident: "The tension culminated back at school the following Monday. Justin Barker, a white student who says he is friends with the kids who hung the nooses, reportedly taunted Bailey at lunch (Barker denies this). A while later, an African-American student allegedly punched Barker from behind, knocking him unconscious. Then, say white witnesses, a group of black students that included Bailey continued to assault Barker, kicking and stomping on him. (Jena High student Justin Purvis and other black witnesses dispute this.) Barker, who was treated for injuries at a nearby hospital, was released later that day, apparently in strong enough shape to attend a class-ring ceremony that evening." The charges here -- from white DA Reed Walters -- include the use of tennis shoes (from kicking) as "deadly weapons."
So, the same "justice system", including the DA Walters, that regards white-on-black beating with beer bottles as worthy only of assault with no jail time, the same "justice system" that arrested for Bailey for "stealing a gun" from a white kid who pulled it on him unprovoked, now wants to imprison Bailey and five others -- to make good on his threat to "make their lives disappear" -- for beating one of those white bastards who actively worked to keep black kids away from the school shade tree.
Shame on the Duke lacrosse team -- and specifically those falsely accused -- for not making this trip to support the the Jena 6. Shame on any presidential candidate who has not taken as much interest as me in digesting this story, and any who have who are not down there today at the protest.
Jena, LA Racial Injustice Gains National Reaction
And where in the hell are the Dukesboro Boys? I thought that those rich crackers were going to help non-rich people, in particular po' black folks, unjustly prosecuted? On the one hand I blame them outright for not jumping in here and leading their supporters into helping the Jena 6. But I also wonder how much more likely they would help here had the leaders of the Jena 6 (Jesse, Al, black college students, etc.) not acted against them, and then failed to reverse their course. In any case, I ultimately fault the Duke 3 for not stepping forward here and being bigger than Jesse, Al, and those screaming in-dignitaries at NC Central, which would have a good chance of bringing all these people together, reducing perhaps the chance of future false cries of racism, by working here on a real one.
Michigan to Learn Very Taxing Lesson
Michigan legislators should all read some economics textbooks and learn how highly taxed localities can increase tax revenue: cut tax rates! Get the interstate commerce boosted, attract new businesses, hang-on to home businesses considering a move to lower taxed states.
White Cops Abuse White Student at Kerry Speech
The only good thing I can say about cops in the US is that they are much less cruel and brutal than those in just about every other nation on earth (and any nation outside of functioning modern civilizations), and better today than in previous generations.
Bush Right to Dismantle Hussein's Army
Large Schools a "Disaster"
1. A larger pool of recruits from which to draw interscholastic school teams.
2. More students available to divide into more "elective" courses, which almost always means courses of far less rigor and intellectual heft than the core basics of scholarship.
3. More power for school admins; many super-sized schools have "vice-principles" working under the principle, who also gets to boast of managing a vast corps of teachers.
Small schools undermine the quality of sports teams, the capacity to field multiple electives, and the bragging rights of admins who value quantity over quality. Meanwhile, small schools only assist principals content to boast of just a few teachers and students who produce high test scores.
US Healthcare System Good, Needs Less Govt
Anti-Black, Pro-White Bias On Death Row
Do we have 1,000 whites murdering blacks, compared to 50 blacks murdering whites? Or are these groups similar in size?
Do both groups have have similar types of situations? Or do the white murderers tend to be premeditated, and the black murderers tend to be heat-of-the-moment?
I do not doubt that the US is unwashed of anti-black bias, but without more info, we cannot know to what extent this study's reported results accurately reflect the bias on death row.
New Zealand Ends Subsidies; Farmers Flourish
Innocent White Guy
Wait Your Turn! Michael Moore's Healthcare Proposal
Do we want the government employees who run the troubled Walter Reed Army Medical Center to be in charge of our entire health care system? Or, would you like the people who deliver our mail to also deliver health care services? How would you like the people who run the motor vehicles department, the government education system, foreign intelligence and other government agencies to also run our health care system? After all, they are not motivated by the quest for profits, and that might mean they're truly wonderful, selfless, caring people.
As for me, I'd choose profit-driven people to provide my health care services, people with motives like those who deliver goods to my supermarket, deliver my overnight mail, produce my computer and software programs, assemble my car and produce a host of other goods and services that I use...
...The Vancouver, British Columbia-based Fraser Institute annually publishes "Waiting Your Turn." Its 2006 edition gives waiting times, by treatments, from a person's referral by a general practitioner to treatment by a specialist. The shortest waiting time was for oncology (4.9 weeks). The longest waiting time was for orthopedic surgery (40.3 weeks), followed by plastic surgery (35.4 weeks) and neurosurgery (31.7 weeks).2007-07-31
A War We Just Might Win
A Logical Reason Why Men Earn More
Baghdad Fabulust
I assume that the various anti-US tyrant groups in Iraq -- comprised of real beasts -- have been using these NR dispatches to advance their retarded efforts. Imagine his success had he invented only plausible lies. My friend Vassar, who's lived and worked in Iraq at US military bases for the past three years, tells a very different story about US troops: they love the Iraqi people, except for those trying to kill them, and want to help build a democracy.
Question: Did critics "out" Beauchamp's wife, by revealing her identity, in exposing how he came to obtain his position as the New Republic's insider war critic? Did critics reveal her identity in order to "punish" her for her husband's courageous truth-telling?
Now comes word of a recant. He is either a good journalist who told the truth, and a criminal soldier, or he is a lyingly poor journalist who invented tales when he and his comrades actually observe US military codes of conduct. Or maybe he told the truth and is now lying to avoid prosecution.
Hey, let's arm Saudi Arabia to the teeth!
The Bush administration is preparing to ask Congress to approve an arms sale package for Saudi Arabia and its neighbors that is expected to eventually total $20 billion at a time when some United States officials contend that the Saudis are playing a counterproductive role in Iraq.Funny that to sell $20 billion in arms to the Saudis, they have to pledge $30 billion in weapons to Israel.
The proposed package of advanced weaponry for Saudi Arabia, which includes advanced satellite-guided bombs, upgrades to its fighters and new naval vessels, has made Israel and some of its supporters in Congress nervous. Senior officials who described the package on Friday said they believed that the administration had resolved those concerns, in part by promising Israel $30.4 billion in military aid over the next decade, a significant increase over what Israel has received in the past 10 years.
Racism Against Interracial Football Marriage
Photo ID Voting Requirement in Michigan
Wait To Hear From Vick
I think that nobody should lose a job over an arrest, especially if that person has done nothing in public to disgrace himself with regard to the charges against him. And let's also remember that every step along the road to justice risks a misstep: innocent people get convicted (Genarlow Wilson), and guilty people get found "not guilty" (OJ, Robert Blake). When the accused's story comes to light, we all have to make our decision about the person, not just the judge and the jury. This study concludes that judges and juries "get it wrong" over 10% of the time.
When Vick's story materializes, we might find that he really did know nothing about what his friends and relations did in the house he bought them. He could be a guy like me who loves animals and abhors dogfighting, but has some friends and relations from childhood who -- unbeknown to him -- have developed into severely retarded brutes. In this context, even if he gets convicted of some technicality, I will judge him favorably and support no sanctions against him. On the other hand, an examination by us in the public may show that he supports dogfighting. In this context, even if his fancy lawyers win all "not guilty" verdicts, I will consider him scum and cheer the most extreme sanctions against him.
Only one NFL player so far has exposed himself having a retarded brain and a cruel heart in this matter, Washington Redskins' Clinton Portis who said, ''I don't know if he was fighting dogs or not, but it's his property, it's his dog. If that's what he wants to do, do it. I think people should mind their own business.''
Meat Eating Worse Than Car Driving
Imus Return... With Black Castmember?
More Bush Regret: Pol Control of Surgeon General
Critical Review of Michael Moore's Sicko
Gore Links Hussein's Iraq to Terrorism... in 1992
Warren Buffett Favors Tax Hikes, Democrats
If government officials can better achieve "income redistribution" than can the private efforts of individuals (either by people helping those of meager means, or by those of meager means using their intelligence and effort to increase their income and wealth), then why not turn over to government officials other desired goals, such as building cars and investing capital?
I can understand Buffett voting democrat because he views the Iraq war as a disaster that harms the economy, but I cannot understand how he desires democratic tax policies, rather than regarding them as an unfortunate trade-off in electing a president most likely to end the Iraq war.
Here's an excellent analysis of Buffet's claim.

Flat Tax Reform We Can All Support?
Berry Bonds' Fraud; Not a Black Thing
Anyone who honestly thinks that Aaron is the bad guy and Bonds is the tragic victim either has absolutely no sense of American history, or is a complete idiot... I know exactly where this is about to lead. It’s leading to a barrage of “sellout” and “Uncle Tom” nonsense from folks who are anxious to misuse America’s most lethal weapon of mass distraction: race...
Are we so cockeyed by race in this country that they’d prefer to embrace lying, cheating frauds simply because they fit neatly into our own racial demographic?
“Remember how it used to be growing up in the black community?” said Cornwell. “Growing up, you didn’t have to just worry about your parents catching you if you were doing something wrong. It was all their friends and all the neighbors. If they caught you, sometimes it was handled right there and then. We don’t have that anymore and we need to get back to that. You don’t excuse bad behavior. You don’t look the other way at bad behavior just because they’re part of your community. You confront it and make them understand that will not be allowed in our community.
“Well we need to get back to that way of thinking again,” said Cornwell. “This goes from ‘Pacman’ Jones all the way to Barry Bonds. We can no longer excuse their bad behavior because they’re black. We can’t defend them by saying, ‘Well the white guy did it, too. What about him?’ That’s not how we were raised. That’s not how our parents and their generation handled their responsibilities of raising all the young men and women in the community.”
... ignoring the simple truth that he is guilty of cheating. This is not a court of law. This is the court of common sense. He admitted to a grand jury that he “unknowingly” used designer steroids. He had achieved a ridiculous muscle mass increase at too late an age. His career home run explosion magically coincided with his association with BALCO. But Bonds tells us he did nothing wrong, so who are we’re supposed to believe, him or our lyin’ eyes?2007-07-11
Fed Tax Revs Continue Slashing Deficit
New Bio of Clarence Thomas
But they see a contradiction in factors that do not contradict each other. For example, it perplexes them that CT would advocate fiscally and legally conservative views, yet in his personal life exhibit a great deal of compassion and afford enormous assistance to others. Yet that is the essence of CT's brand of conservatism: assistance to others should be provided not by The State taking money from all citizens and building big programs, but rather by fellow citizens helping their fellows.
Another 911 Defeat: Tourism
Bush II v. Clinton on Pardons
I heartily support the presidential pardon as an executive check on a criminal justice system that we know unjustly convicts many, many people. According to Clinton, he pardoned about 400 people, whereas Bush II has so far pardoned only about 70. These figures both seem low to me compared to all the people languishing in prison who should not be. Clinton and Bush II both in their younger years engaged in activities that harmed no other people (cocaine consumption) but that could have landed them in the clink, with records banning them from many opportunities.
Bush's clemency of Libby does not disgust me, nor would a subsequent pardon, because I think that Libby did nothing wrong or illegal, and the facts against him in court fell far below the "reasonable doubt" standard. But it does disgust me that Bush has failed to use this power to help hundreds or even thousands of even more deserving people with far fewer resources. And as a two-time Bush voter, I am further embarrassed that simply as a matter of political coverage he has not pardoned hundreds of deserving people before and after Libby, just to quell his political opponents.
Just one of a growing number of reasons why I will vote for Ron Paul in the repo primaries, and then the Libertarian candidate in the general election.
Against Recycling
Phoney "It's a Black Thing" Cracker Study
A study shows that white folks would give up TV only for a million bucks, but would change their "race" to "black" for merely $1,000. You would think that this shows that white people are not very racist. But then, if you concluded that, you wouldn't be one of those people who sees racism every where. Of course if white people required $100 million to become "black", these "RACISM!" criers would interpret that as racist as well. But instead they're left with an opposite fact: whites don't much care if they got transformed into black folks. This leaves the RACISM! criers to figure out a way to interpret this finding as demonstrating what they already know: honkies are a bunch of racists.
Here's how they interpret the findings showing white ambivalence (read: non-racism) :"white folks don’t understand the Black experience." In other words, if these all-knowing black folks can just fill the heads of these ignorant white folks with a bunch of well-spun facts, those crackers will want more than just a measly $1,000 to turn black! For example, black folks earn less money than whites! They die at younger ages! They make less money! They pay more for insurance! So these data-spinners devise a hypothetical nation, one divided into two groups, one that makes less money, dies earlier, pays more for insurance, etc., and viola! The same crackers when ignorant of "the facts" who would require only $1,000 to become black now, with their heads filled with "the truth", want $1 million! And not only that, this new figure represents white support for "slavery reparations." (**)
Of course black folks in the US die younger on average than white folks; on average they make poorer health choices, regarding diet and exercise. Of course black folks in the US on average make less money than white folks; on average they make poorer economic choices, in terms of decisions to study and stay in school, whether to attend college and what majors to choose, etc. And of course blacks on average pay more for car and house insurance than whites in the US; blacks on average are choosing at a much higher rate than whites to commit the crimes covered by insurance, and thus more likely to reside in areas with elevated rates of these crimes. Black and white folks who make the same health and financial choices reap the same results, and who live in neighborhoods with similar crime rates pay similar insurance rates. This is why so many blacks immigrate here, and so few ever leave.
(*) Plenty of black folks reject this nonsense ("uncle toms", "sellouts"), and plenty of whites embrace it (the nearly half the white population who votes democrat). I am raising my negro daughter to be one of those sell-out aunt jermimas. Her grades in school in the 6th grade were a very high 3.9; in the 7th grade they dropped to 2.1. The white teachers didn't suddenly discover that she was black and start unfairly treating her. Instead, she changed her behavior, in a way that will lead to low income in addition to low grades.
(**) No word on reparations from black African groups whose ancestors enslaved and sold the black ancestors of today's black Americans, or on reparations from Italy, France, and Norway for the successive conquests by their ancestors of the ancestors of today's Britain, or on reparations from Morocco's government for their ancestors' conquest of Spain and Italy, or of reparations from Egpyt for conquering Ethiopia and Nubia some generations ago. Nadir should surely expect reparatrions from Britain for its historical conquest and subjugation of his Irish ancestors as well... though some of Nadir's Irish ancestors enslaved some of his African ancestors... and some of his African ancestors enslaved and otherwise conquered other black Africans... I don't know how all of this will work out. Will my daughter get just half reparations for her African ancestors?
Ex-Fanatic Blames Islam, Not Western Policies
Yet More Science Refutes Gore's Hysteria
For example, Gore claims that Himalayan glaciers are shrinking and global warming is to blame. Yet the September 2006 issue of the American Meteorological Society's Journal of Climate reported, "Glaciers are growing in the Himalayan Mountains, confounding global warming alarmists who recently claimed the glaciers were shrinking and that global warming was to blame."
Gore claims the snowcap atop Africa's Mt. Kilimanjaro is shrinking and that global warming is to blame. Yet according to the November 23, 2003, issue of Nature magazine, "Although it's tempting to blame the ice loss on global warming, researchers think that deforestation of the mountain's foothills is the more likely culprit. Without the forests' humidity, previously moisture-laden winds blew dry. No longer replenished with water, the ice is evaporating in the strong equatorial sunshine."
Gore claims global warming is causing more tornadoes. Yet the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change stated in February that there has been no scientific link established between global warming and tornadoes.
Gore claims global warming is causing more frequent and severe hurricanes. However, hurricane expert Chris Landsea published a study on May 1 documenting that hurricane activity is no higher now than in decades past. Hurricane expert William Gray reported just a few days earlier, on April 27, that the number of major hurricanes making landfall on the U.S. Atlantic coast has declined in the past 40 years. Hurricane scientists reported in the April 18 Geophysical Research Letters that global warming enhances wind shear, which will prevent a significant increase in future hurricane activity.
Gore claims global warming is causing an expansion of African deserts. However, the Sept. 16, 2002, issue of New Scientist reports, "Africa's deserts are in 'spectacular' retreat . . . making farming viable again in what were some of the most arid parts of Africa."
Gore argues Greenland is in rapid meltdown, and that this threatens to raise sea levels by 20 feet. But according to a 2005 study in the Journal of Glaciology, "the Greenland ice sheet is thinning at the margins and growing inland, with a small overall mass gain." In late 2006, researchers at the Danish Meteorological Institute reported that the past two decades were the coldest for Greenland since the 1910s.
Gore claims the Antarctic ice sheet is melting because of global warming. Yet the Jan. 14, 2002, issue of Nature magazine reported Antarctica as a whole has been dramatically cooling for decades. More recently, scientists reported in the September 2006 issue of the British journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Series A: Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences, that satellite measurements of the Antarctic ice sheet showed significant growth between 1992 and 2003. And the U.N. Climate Change panel reported in February 2007 that Antarctica is unlikely to lose any ice mass during the remainder of the century.
Juries, Judges Gettin' It Wrong
The article also fails to compare these rates to those in other countries, or to previous times in the US. My sense is that these rates are much better today than in years past, and better today in the US than in any non-democracy / civilized nation.
Defending Ann Coulter
1. "The 911 widows are enjoying their widowhood." Well, if they don't want to receive partisan criticism, they shouldn't use their widowhood to make political points.
2. "John Edwards is a fag." Well, if he doesn't want to get called a fag, he should stop posing as a folksy populist while getting busted for paying $1,000 for a haircut, which is what inspired Coulter's comment here."
3. "I wish John Edwards would get killed by terrorists." She made this comment because Bill Mahr received zero outcry when he stated the same about Dick Cheney, whereas Coulter received a great outcry for calling Edwards a fag. So rhetorically she said, instead of calling him a fag I'll just wish the terrorists would kill him.
4. "John Edwards has a bumper sticker that reads, 'ask me about my dead son.'" This comment was inspired by the revelation of the Kerry-Edwards campaign manager that Edwards goes around using a canned story about his son's death in order to ingratiate himself to people both privately, and in $100,000 speeches given to poverty groups. Her full comment, rarely quoted when condemning the shocking part: "If you want points for not using your son's death politically, don't you have to take down all those 'Ask me about my son's death in a horrific car accident' bumper stickers?"
If you simply read the attached article you would think that Coulter was insane, simply blurting out ugly comments about Edwards and one group of wealthy 911 widows. But of course that is not the case. This reminds me of the phony bluster of Joe Wilson reacted with shock and indignation when his wife Valarie Plame's name got dragged into the debate over his trip to Niger; well, if you didn't want her name in the debate, then why in the hell did you start the debate, using a job that she got for you?
What About the Other Nifongs?
Ignore Islamic Hysterics?
Louissiana High School Noose Case Update
[Update to the linked story posted above: The article fails to mention that the knocked-out white guy is a proud friend of the white guys who admitted to hanging the nooses, that prior to his beating one of the arrested black guys had been attacked twice by white boys objecting to him sitting under the honkey tree and attempting to attend a honkey party, and that the beatup white guy had moments before his beating taunted that twice-jumped black guy. For more see all postings marked "jena6". 2007-09]
Previous post.
Free Genarlow Wilson
1. A white appellite judge has ruled in his favor, with a statement from the bench labeling his prosecution and conviction "a miscarriage of justice."
2. His white classmates made him homecoming king.
3. A group of rich white guys have raised $1 million to get him out on bail during the white prosecutor's appeal of the above appellate judge's ruling.
I hope that the Duke guys will rally around Wilson, and I regret that prosecutor seems to have covered himself much better than Nifong, protecting himself from ethics charges.
"Cultures and religions are not equal"
I caught her presentation, and she blew me away. Here below is most of her prepared remarks. I regret not finding the text of the Q&A that followed, which was equally excellent.
Why are Westerners so insecure about everything that is so wonderful about the West: political freedom, free press, freedom of expression, equal rights for women and men, gays and heterosexuals, critical thinking, and the great strength of scrutinizing ideas--and especially faith?
It is not the end of history. The 21st century began with a battle of ideas, and this battle is about the values of the West versus those of Islam. Tony Blair and the Pope should not be embarrassed in saying it, and you should stop self-censoring. Islam and liberal democracy are incompatible; cultures and religions are not equal. And perhaps most important of all, Muslims are not half-wits who can respond only in violence. The Koran is not a great book; it is reactionary and full of misogyny. The Byzantine emperor's analysis of Muhammad was correct: he spread his faith by the sword.
From this perspective journalists like all the rest of us face the unpleasant reality of taking sides or getting lost in the incoherence of the so-called middle ground. The role of journalists serving the West, who understand what this particular battle is about, will be to inform their audiences accordingly.
As I travel from country to country to testify from experience and observation that Islamic dogma creates a cult of death, a cage for women, and a curse against knowledge, I get both support and opposition. Europeans and Americans ask:
But what about the good Muslim living next to me? What about the different schools of thought in Islam? Is there no difference between the Muslims of Indonesia and the ones in Somalia, or the Muslims in Saudi Arabia and those in Turkey? Can we really generalize? What about the women who voluntarily wear the headscarf and the burqa and are happy to relinquish their freedom as their faith requires? If we give Catholics and Protestants and Jews their schools and their universities, isn't it only fair to give Muslims theirs, too? If generations of Jews, Italians, and Irish have assimilated, is it unreasonable to think that Muslims will assimilate too, eventually?" Isn't it more fruitful to engage in debate with your opponent and convince him through dialogue to take back his declaration of war than to attack him? Isn't it obvious that military attacks, such as those in Afghanistan after 9/11 and in Iraq, create more terrorists, and therefore more people who are determined to destroy the West than there would be if we had dialogue with them?
These questions are legitimate and deserve serious answers. Let's make a moral distinction between Islam and Muslims. Muslims are diverse. Some, like Irshad Manji and Tawfiq Hamid, want to reform their faith. Others want to spread their beliefs through persuasion, violence or both. Others are apathetic and do not care much for politics. Others want to leave it and convert to Christianity, like Nonie Darwish, or become atheist, like me.
Islam unreformed, as a set of beliefs, is hostile to everything Western.
In a free society, if Jews, Protestants, and Catholics have their own schools, then Muslims should have theirs, too. But how long should we ignore that in Muslim schools in the West, kids are taught to believe that Jews are pigs and dogs? Or that they should distance themselves from unbelievers and jihad is a virtue? Isn't it odd that everywhere in Europe with large Muslim organizations, demands are made not to teach kids about the Holocaust, while in mosques and Muslim bookshops The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is distributed?
And what about in Muslim lands, where Jews, Catholics, and Protestants cannot have their own schools, or churches, or graveyards? If Muslims can proselytize in Vatican City, why can't Christians proselytize in Mecca? Why do we find this acceptable? If Christians, Jews, and Atheists take to the streets in large numbers to protest against their own elected governments in objection to the war in Iraq, to the war against terror, why don't Muslims march in equally large number against the beheadings of Western aid workers? Why don't Muslims stand up for their own? Why are Jews and Christians and Atheists in the West the ones fighting genocide in Darfur? Why does it pass unnoticed in Muslim lands when Shias kill Sunnis and Sunnis, Shias by the thousands? It doesn't add up, does it? If you ask me, "What is the role of journalism today?" I would urge you to look into these questions.
As a woman in the West I have access to education. I have a job, and I can change jobs as I wish. I can marry the man of my choice, or I can choose not to marry at all. If nature allows it, I can have any number of children I want. I can manipulate nature and freeze my eggs. I can have an abortion. I can own property. I can travel wherever I want. I can read whichever book, newspaper, or magazine I wish. I can watch any movie I want or go to the museum of my choice. I can have an opinion on the moral choices of others and express my opinion, even publish it. And I can change my mind as time goes by. I can establish a political party or join an existing one; I am free to change parties or give up my membership. I can vote. I can choose not to vote. I can stand for election to office or go into business. This is what makes the West so great.
In Muslim lands, except for a very lucky few, women are denied education, have no job, and are forced into marriage with strangers. In the name of Islam, women are denied the right to their bodies; they cannot choose whether to have children or how many to have. They have no rights to abortion, and often they die trying to get one. They cannot own property, trade, or travel without the risk of robbery or rape. Most women (and men) live in state and religious censorship on what to read (if they can read at all) and what films to watch, and they have hardly any museums or art they can enjoy. Of the 57 Muslim nations that are members of the OIC (Organization of the Islamic Conference), only two are democracies. Both are frail and corrupt, and both face the risk of being overtaken by the agents of pure Islam. Turkey has a safety check in the shape of the army and Indonesia none. In none of these countries--except for the usual show-pieces to delude the West--are women allowed to establish their own political parties, play a meaningful role in one, vote, or run for office.
This obsession with subjugating women is one of the things that makes Islam so low. And the agents of Islam--from Riyadh to Tehran, from Islamabad to Cairo--know that any improvement in the lives of women will lead to the demise of Islam and a disappearance of their power. This is why, among other things, they are so desperate to cage in women. This is why they also hate the West.
Please don't be fooled by the few shrill voices--in or out of the veil--that enjoy the status quo and betray their fellow women.
If we do not understand the differences between Islam and the West--why one is so great and the other so low--and we don't fight back and win this battle of ideas in order to preserve our civilization, in my view there is no point to your profession or mine.