
Air-head America Radio files for Chapter 11

Can't you just hear "Taps" playing in the background?

Shouldn't it be obvious to everyone now that the success of conservative talk radio and the dismal failure of AAR proves that hardly anyone in this country - even a great many Democrats - buys the anti-American leftist bullsh*t anymore?

The only ways left to further their agenda are through the public educational system, academia and the courts. But that's scary enough in itself.

Oh and let's not forgot that endless fountain of intellectual thought, the entertainment industry (Hollyweird, TV, the music biz). Intellectual giants like that slut Madonna, Eddie Vedder, Nadir, Susan Saran-wrap, Tim Robbins-hood, Rob-in-hood Reiner, and on and on. The leftist agenda will always have them as a conduit, at least for the foreseeable future.


Paul Hue said...

Six: I think that what this proves is that there's not much of an audience for lefty commentary shows on TV or radio. The elections and many polls demonstrate that nearly half of the US population is liberals. In my travels I find that a very large fraction of white folks support socialized medicine, affirmative action, high and complex tax rates on businesses and "rich people", "anti-price gouging laws"; believe that Bush and the oil companies manipulate petro prices and invaded Iraq to snatch petrolium; etc.

You may remember that I used to watch Franken's radio broadcasts on TV. I hated only his attempts at humor, which I thought always fell flat. But the discussions I thought were very informative and intelligent, and did contain data and ideas that I didn't find anywhere else. I stopped watching because the cable channel stopped showing it.

Also, I think that Nadir deserves to be left off of lists of air-headed lefties.

Nadir said...

"I think that what this proves is that there's not much of an audience for lefty commentary shows on TV or radio. The elections and many polls demonstrate that nearly half of the US population is liberals."

Wow! Paul and I agree on something! They must have record snowfall in Hades this week as well!

Blogs are for lefties as talk radio is for righties. Lefties tend to be more intellectual (giants, it is said), so we spend more time online interacting with multiple blogs (I contribute to three).

Righties enjoy more being told what to think by knuckleheads like Rush Limbaugh. No interactivity allowed or needed.

And though I applaud Air America's efforts (and wish them the best; they aren't dead yet) AM radio is a tough sell. They would do better with an Internet radio or satellite radio network.

"Also, I think that Nadir deserves to be left off of lists of air-headed lefties."

He sarcastically called me an intellectual giant, lumping me with people I admire: Madonna? Eddie Vedder? Robbins/Sarandon? Meathead?? Great company! Thanks, Six!

Paul Hue said...

Nadir: I do not at all think that the lack of interest in lefty TV and radio shows indicates greater intelligence and independance on the part of lefties. But I do agree that the cable TV opionion shows are not hosted by the most rational and sensible representatives of the left or the right.

But you have taken us to some of your lefty blogs, and they certainly do not surpass my righty blogs -- such as cafe heyak -- in terms of sensibility.

I don't think that there exists a proper explainatin for how in a nation that is roughly evenly divided left and right that polemical talk shows only suceed from the right.