
User Fee for a Beach? How About Detroit's Belle Isle?

Some beaches get so many visitors that they can't all squeeze in: the resource gets "rationed" by geometry. Here a Cafe Hayeker proposes rationing such a public beach via a usage fee, which he claims would serve as the only possible source for reducing traffic congestion.

I wonder: would a usage fee help Detroit's blighted Belle Isle? In a sense, our beloved Belle Isle suffers from the opposite problem: not enough people use it, so it has fallen into disrepair. But why do so few people use it? Because the people who *do* use it have created a very negative impression, an impression that repulses the larger population in the metro area. For those who don't know, Detroit's Belle Isle is one of the nation's -- perhaps the world's -- greatest city parks. Designed by the guy who designed NYC's Central Park, this urban gem comprises an entire island sitting on the Detroit River, which seperates Detroit from Windsor, Canada, and which links Lake Huron with Lake Erie (two of the Great Lakes). Ocean liners move down this amazing river, past the amazing Belle Isle, which connects to main land via a single bridge, to Detroit.

If people pay for the city to pickup their trash and other services, why not pay to enjoy this international treasure? A $5 or $10 per car usage fee might increase the fraction of respectful people enjoying this facility. I say it's worth a try; any policy could hardly do worse than the current one, which has led to a procession of sad developments and a rendering of it to irrelevency.

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