
Accuser Fingering Absent Lacrosse Player?

I think I've figured out why the defense hasn't released "the photos": they don't want to give the accuser assistance in fingering her alleged assailants. The police just snuck into the dorm where some of the players lived, and asked them for "clarification" of who was at the party. The defense say that (1) this was illegal and (2) indicates that they DA worries that the stripper has fingered one or more players who might not even have been at the party. This article includes a description of the un-released photos, as viewed by the reporter writing the article. Now it makes sense that the defense would neither release these photots nor explain why: they seem to know that one or more player wasn't at the party, and they are hoping that the accuser will include one of those guys in her accusation. BUT: Isn't the DA entitled to these photos?

1 comment:

Paul Hue said...

This indicates a very brilliant trap set by the defense attornies. They apparently knew that all players were not at the party, and had these absent players submit DNA; since they weren't there, they had nothing to lose. But they had something to gain. They knew that the DA was using team photos as a line up for the accuser, and the extra, absent players would constitute a trap.

One of the TV reporters who saw the photos said that if the timestamps are accurate, "there's no way" that a rape took place. He says that at least one photo captured a clock with a time that matches that of the timestamp.

This article claims that one of the photos, of the accuser passed out on the back porch, shows some fresh fingernail polish on a railing. The defense attornies say that she applied polish while she and the other stripper locked themselves in the bathroom. This article also says that one or both strippers were shouting racial insults at the players as they were getting in their car to leave, minutes before the famous first 911 call.