
White Republicans Slash Black Voter Van Tires

Nadir: I'm sure that this'll outrage you. Five guys -- children of office-holders -- on election eve slashed the tires of 25 vans used to ferry opposing partisans to the polls. I wasn't reading especially carefully, so I might have mixed up the "races" and party affilliations of the principles. Perhaps if this story had generated massive press coverage, I would have encountered it enough to get the facts straight. With racist honkies "disenfranchising" black victims, you'd think that Jesse, Al, et al. would have made a huge media extravaganza with this. Why didn't they?

1 comment:

Nadir said...

You're not funny, Paul.

I heard about this when it happened. The men were wrong and should have been convicted.

However, the election was already rigged on the Republican side, so this illegal act, while inexcuasable and reprehensible was not as significant as it may have been.

Evidence that the election was rigged by election officials in Ohio and other states clearly outweighs this single act. Why aren't you outraged about that?